Covenant HealthCare Brings ITSM and PPM Together

Covenant Healthcare Brings ITSM and PPM Together in One View

Dashboards Give Insights

In one view the CIO can see tickets, SLA alerts, project risks and key KPIs.

Lower Admin Overhead

Ability to manage the platform without dedicating multiple resources.

Faster Response Time

With everything in one view, technicians can respond faster to end-users.

Industry: Healthcare
End-users: 5,800
Previous System: BMC Remedy

'Single Pane of Glass'

Covenant HealthCare knew their IT department needed a better way to manage tickets and projects as the technology needs of employees, doctors, nurses and patients continue to evolve and grow, so they turned to TeamDynamix for help.  Covenant has been able to support the growing digital demands of healthcare yet needed a better way to manage resources.  By bringing ITSM and PPM together on one platform, they gained visibility.


They are now over 90-percent fully electronic in their processes and using technology like TeamDynamix to fine-tune processes and improve the end-user experience. “I believe the IT Department has done a successful job implementing a project when we can improve the efficiencies for our end-users and anytime that we can save them clicks, save them time, give them more time with their patients at the bedside I think is a big win for us,” Tyler Lamber, Program Administrator for Community Connect at Covenant Health, said.


  • Faster response time
  • Increased productivity by cutting out unnecessary ‘clicks’
  • Improved resource optimization with ITSM and PPM on one platform

Ushering in Digital Transformation

Frank Fear, CIO at Covenant, recognized a change was needed as the tech expectations within healthcare started to shift, “Our patients expect technology. They expect certain things like virtual visits, they expect to be able to message their providers and they expect to be able to schedule an appointment online and not have to call a provider to make that appointment.” And it’s not just the patients who expect technology.


“IT moved from being something that helped the back-office employees, to something that’s involved in everyone’s job all the time,” Raymond Hall, Technology Manager at Covenant Health, said. “In healthcare, they need quick, fast access – like they’re running a kiosk or at a checkout line – but the amount of data, and the sophistication of the data, they need is the equivalent of someone sitting down to do a research paper. 


They’re asking to see a patient’s chart and an x-ray and all of this information, and they want to be able to get to that workstation and see it like that.” For Fear, he needs the same level of data and sophistication but instead of patient information, he’s looking at the inner workings of the entire IT organization and all of the projects, tickets and requests that come in and out to support the network.

Reduced Admin Costs

TeamDynamix can be administered with less than one FTE – allowing Covenant to reallocate headcount to stratgic initiatives.

Scorecards Track Value

Daily scorecards allow the team to track value delivered and identify key areas for continuous improvement.

With TeamDynamix I have a CIO Dashboard, a single pane of glass ... where I can see everything in one view."

Dashboards Give Visibility

Fear said he also uses the dashboards in daily huddles with his team to set priorities and see what needs to be done, “I can report on our key strategic projects and see which  requests are coming in and be able to report status on those very cleanly and clearly through dashboards.


I’m able to communicate to the organization the value that all these IT dollars are delivering.” Hall said there’s been value in both the dashboards and daily scorecards Covenant uses pulling data from TeamDynamix, “Once they saw the scorecards the team responded [by driving] the number of open tickets down. They’re paying attention to how many tickets they are closing a day and utilizing tasks and tickets to help determine their workload.”

One ITSM and PPM Platform

Covenant benefits from a sophisticated IT Service Management (ITSM) platform that includes full-scale Project Portfolio Management (PPM).

Lower Cost of Ownership

Another benefit of working with TeamDynamix for ITSM and PPM, Fear said, is they don’t need a dedicated FTE (full-time employee) to manage and maintain the platform. “TeamDynamix, we felt, had all of the advanced functionality the other products had but didn’t require the need for a full FTE to manage and support the product,” Fear said.

I’m able to communicate to the organization the value that all these IT dollars are delivering."

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