

July 18, 2017

6 minutes read

Are you worried about ransomware spiking your ticket volume overnight?

Ransomware Cyber Security


Andrew Graf

Have you ever wondered if you are just a sitting duck waiting for the next global cyberattack involving ransomware? Are you really a reactive desk and just not ready for the potential flood of tickets? Does your Security team really have the tools to prevent exposure in the first place?

Kaseya, the industry leader in IT Software, uses their IT Complete platform to streamline operations, create automation and control, and reduce the risk of threats. Kaseya believes ransomware, like Petya and WannaCry, fundamentally depends on finding a vulnerability in your network.

Most Higher Education institutions struggle with keeping up with student turnover, managing complex, and distributed networks, and locking down user machines since system settings lack “least user privileges.” So the key to avoiding “” and keeping your ticket volume predictable is evolving your operational maturity so that automated patching becomes the foundation of a layered security model.

About the Author: Frank Tisellano II is the General Manager at Kaseya where he previously held the role of Sr. Director, Product Management.

Andrew Graf

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