

April 25, 2023

13 minutes read

Unlocking Efficiency with Project Portfolio Management (PPM)

project intake


Andrew Graf

Project Portfolio Management (PPM) is a method for managing multiple projects as a cohesive entity, to achieve key organizational goals. An effective PPM approach helps organizations align projects with their strategic goals, maximize resource utilization, prioritize tasks and improve overall performance. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of applying PPM as an integral part of an organization’s project management strategy.

The Benefits of PPM

PPM involves multiple stages, including project selection, prioritization, governance, resource allocation and monitoring. It offers a unified view of all ongoing projects in an organization, providing a bird’s eye perspective of all operational activities. PPM is a powerful tool that helps organizations drive productivity and efficiency by providing better visibility into all aspects of the project lifecycle. Here are some of the top benefits of taking a PPM approach to project management:

  • Better Visibility – PPM offers organizations a systemic and centralized approach to all their project operations. It ensures that stakeholders have insight into all ongoing projects and can easily access project information, status updates, financial data, and timelines. PPM offers real-time project dashboards, providing information on project progress, potential bottlenecks and project risk mitigation plans. This visibility ensures that teams can make better-informed decisions and identify imminent risks, ultimately leading to higher returns on investment.
  • Resource Allocation – PPM ensures that resources are efficiently used and allocated, saving organizations time and money. The resource planning component provides an overview of resource availability, working hours, specific project requirements and the capacity of the allocated resources. This ensures teams are adequately staffed, and resources are optimally utilized, allowing organizations to maximize ROI while avoiding overworking staff members.
  • Priority Management – PPM enables organizations to prioritize projects based on their relevance to key strategic objectives. It allows organizations to evaluate each project objectively and comparatively, thus identifying and focusing on those that provide the most value. Prioritization ensures that critical projects receive the necessary resources, time and attention, avoiding the risk of investing in projects that do not meet organizational goals.

Resource Management and PPM

PPM helps with resource management in several ways:

  1. Resource Allocation: PPM helps organizations allocate their resources effectively by ensuring that resources are assigned to the right projects in the right quantities. PPM helps prevent over-allocation and under-allocation of resources, ensuring that resources are used optimally.
  2. Resource Capacity Planning: PPM enables organizations to plan their resource capacity effectively. PPM helps identify resource shortages and surpluses and enables organizations to plan for contingencies effectively. By doing so, organizations can ensure that their projects are staffed adequately.
  3. Resource Utilization: PPM can help organizations improve their resource utilization by identifying opportunities for resource-sharing and optimizing resource allocation. By sharing resources across multiple projects, organizations can maximize their resource utilization and minimize their costs.
  4. Resource Tracking: PPM provides real-time visibility into resource usage and utilization across all projects, enabling organizations to track resource usage effectively. PPM helps organizations track the progress of their projects, monitor resource consumption and balance resource utilization across projects.

By effectively managing resources, PPM helps organizations maximize their productivity, efficiency and profitability. PPM helps organizations ensure that they have the right resources at the right time, enabling them to respond effectively to changing market conditions and customer needs.

A Case Study: The Positive Impact of PPM

Kern Family Health Care, a Medi-Cal managed care health plan serving residents of Kern County, California, uses TeamDynamix PPM to manage all projects within the organization.

With a simple and intuitive user interface, TeamDynamix makes it easy for project managers to evaluate project requests, approve and prioritize initiatives, assign resources and track and report on progress. TeamDynamix helps EPMO staff keep projects on course, establish clear expectations, and allocate resources more effectively.

“With TeamDynamix, I always have a source of truth on project data,” LaVonne Banks, director of Kern Health Systems’ enterprise project management office (EPMO), said.

When implemented correctly PPM can be immensely valuable for maximizing success and profitability in any organization.

This is the case at Kern where TeamDynamix PPM has brought greater transparency to the project management process. It also saves Banks and her staff a great deal of time when they want to understand the status of projects and report this to organizational leaders.

“I love the platform’s reporting features,” she says. “They’re super easy to use. Being able to pull reports and quickly see real-time data is wonderful.”

Another key benefit of TeamDynamix is that it helps EPMO staff get out ahead of potential issues before they become full-blown problems. While some challenges are beyond the control of project managers, having greater insight makes it more likely that projects will be completed on time and under budget.

“We can quickly identify resource constraints and make adjustments when unexpected circumstances arise,” Banks says. “Because we can identify these issues earlier, we have a better chance of staying on top of resource management.”

Better transparency leads to more accountability and, ultimately, a higher success rate on projects.

When implemented successfully, PPM can bring many benefits to an organization. It ensures better visibility, better resource allocation and improved prioritization, allowing organizations to optimize returns on investment and achieve their strategic goals.

Andrew Graf

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